My Gift

I take up individual and group coaching assignments with organizations that have previous experience with coaching, and also organizations that invite me to build a coaching culture from within.

The best long-term coaching results happen in environments where coaching is understood top to bottom layers and across and is seen as a co-active relationship and not an easy fix to performance-related matters. A coachee who is provided a safe haven to grow in and uncover their own potential is the best long-term investment any organization can do in their people. For more details read Measuring and Communicating ROI in Executive Coaching by ICF.

My coaching journey starts with a one-hour introduction session where we spend time conversing and understanding if coaching is something you need and what you expect to achieve within a specific time frame. The introduction session is complimentary and once we agree to continue the journey, a coach/coachee agreement is signed to move ahead.

Coaching sessions can vary between 30, 45, or 60 minutes and the frequency depends on personal preferences and needs. It is dazzling how much a coachee can achieve in as little as 30 minutes and yet that is only an indication of the immense possibilities that lie within the coach/coachee relationship.

Coach Pedari uses the professional platform to provide smooth and easy service to its clients globally, and continues to work towards democratizing the coaching industry and ensure it becomes available to as many young aspiring, successful leaders as possible.